Kamis, 08 Januari 2015

a long day of local trips, taking pictures at sights and visiting local amenities in this marvellous at Bogor, Indonesian area. Please Visit my facebook: Wilujeng Sumping (Tourism Leisure) Bogor or click this https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100008618018987 to get more interesting destination for your sight seeing tourism -holiday- vacation-homestay etc in Bogor Indonesia

this is one of old building in bogor. the official name is gereja santa perawan maria (the church of virgin mary) but it's better known as the bogor cathedral. it was built during dutch colonial time probably in the end of 19th century or at the beginning of 20th century # Bogor city, Indonesia country # Visit Bogor - Historical journey


Bogor Indonesia - Vacation Java Island Tourism Holiday

Your visit will be memorable if you go ahead and reserve a holiday in Bogor, Please see my facebook to see more attractive journey suggestion for your adventure while you are holiday in Bogor city, Indonesia country. See facebook : Wilujeng Sumping (Tourism Leisure) Bogor

Enjoyed the Cisadane Bogor River Stream by Rafting.
Please visit my facebook to get more information about joyful vacation, homestay and holiday in Bogor city, Indonesia country.
My facebook: Wilujeng Sumping (Tourism Leisure) Bogor.
See you....!